Category Archives: Politics

As A U.S. Citizen

As A U.S. Citizen I am entitled to some benefits…..


Pursuit of Happiness

And As A Person Living In The U.S., Whether You Are An Immigrant, Legal Or Illegal, Or A U.S. Citizen….. If You Are A Threat To The Benefits Of Being A U.S. Citizen…..(a.k.a. The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, The Bill Of Rights) …..


And you threaten……

Pursuit of Happiness

This means you do not belong anywhere within the border of the United States.

The United States is a multi-cultural society consisting of people of any ethnicity!

The United States has been like that for a while.

Everyone living in the United States is here because they agree with freedom for life, freedom for liberty and freedom for pursuit of happiness.

If you are here as a citizen or as a non-citizen that threatens life, liberty or the pursuit of happiness, you belong somewhere, but not in the United States.